Some dreams about mageia 7
As we released mageia 6 and we released Pulse 4.0 at work i had some time to think about what i would like to see, to do for mageia 7.
I will continue to work on Plasma/KDE as this is the DE i use daily and i love it.
Plasma will be better integrated and will know some updates for mageia 6 (stay tuned 😉 ).
I would love to see an educational flavour for Mageia. I kind of started with mageia 6 by adding some tools of abuledu but had to remove some parts.
If someone wants to help on this task, you can directly contact me.
The second task would be a server flavour for mageia by integrating pulse better. I started by working on openldap yesterday.
As for the first task, if someone want to works on this or directly on Pulse ( python, php apps ) you can directly contact me.
2 commentaires
Plasma user here, sending a huge thank you for all your work to provide Plasma to Mageia users =)
Cheers! o/
I would love to see Pulse integrated and also the Old Mandriva server functionality integrated. That would be a very competitive server distro