Catégorie : kde-en

Plasma 5.8.2, Applications 16.08.2 and Frameworks 5.27.0 available in Mageia

Mageia KDE Team just finished to push in Mageia cauldron : – Plasma 5.8.2 ( the Plasma LTS version ) – KDE Applications 16.08.2 – KDE Frameworks 5.27.0 If you find packaging bugs don’t hesitate and come in Mageia Bugtracker And if you want to join KDE Team and help you can mail us or […]

Come help mageia with us

it is with pleasure that I see that Mageia is increasingly used. However, this implies more work. It is important that more contributors help the distribution and it can be done at different levels: Graphics, web, testing, packaging (KDE, Java Kernel, etc.). If you are interested, please join us ( or on irc freenode #mageia-dev […]

Major update in cauldron

Now that cauldron is open, the kde team has updated KF5 to 5.12.0, Plasma to 5.3.2 and Kde Applications to 15.04.3. we have added minimal kde-workspace and kdebase4-runtime that can now be installed with plasma. This migration is a good way to remove old and unmaintained apps. If you want to help don’t be shy […]

Some work on sddm

Sddm in cauldron is now updated to the last release ( 0.0.9 ) and it is now working. Some work have been done for in the pam config file. If you want to test it in mageia you will need to do : systemctl disable prefdm.service && systemctl enable sddm.service On next reboot it will […]

Some news about KF5

Things moved recently about kf5 in mageia. We had, since a long time, the framework part. Now that the first stable release is out we packaged the desktop/workspace  release based on KF5. Unfortunalty this can’t be co-installed in parallel of KDE4. For the moment ( not yet clean packages ) you have to follow those […]